Gary Norland
Gary Norland — “12.5 and Still Alive”
12.5 and Still Alive – Gary reveals the shocking truth of life after 12,500 volts in a motivational safety presentation for everyone from the corporate office to the factory floor. Working as an industrial electrician, Gary learned firsthand how devastating a life changing event can be when he survived a 12,500 volt electrical accident.
Gary had leaned back and touched the power line with his right earlobe. Every muscle and organ in his body convulsed and contracted, and his heart stopped! This caused Gary to collapse, falling back into the power line hitting it a second time with the back of his head. In less than a second life changed as Gary was being cooked alive, fire and electricity was shooting out of him in fifteen places resulting in electrical burns over 37% of his body. He has had to undergo over 50 surgeries since his accident.
Gary has 10 years experience in the electrical industry and 10 more as an entrepreneur. His mission is to change attitudes about safety and save others the pain of his mistakes. He tells the truth about safety in the work place and the far reaching ripple effect it has on family, friends, coworkers, and the community you live in.
Gary learned the hard way how none of us are invincible. His story and powerful visuals reveal the painful truth about attitudes and decisions in the workplace. Shortcuts can save time, but this graphic presentation shares the reality of the lasting effects of an accident. Workers leave his 12.5 Still Alive presentations asking why they would ever take a risky shortcut again. He provides motivation to act safely at work and at home.